This article is based on Scientific American, March 1998 issue in the article "The End of Cheap Oil" by Colin J.Campbell and Jean H.Laherrere.
Sudden oil prices increased in 1973 (tripled) and 1979 (doubled) sent the major economies into recession. Many analysts warned that the world soon run out of oil. But their predictions were emotional and political reactions to the Arab countries. Furthermore, oil experts knew that they had no scientific basis at that time about how long the oil production would last.
The reports from oil industry boasted 1020 billion barrels of oil (Gbo) in "proved" reserves at the start of 1998. Dividing that figure by the current production rate of about 23.6 Gbo a year might suggest that crude oil could remain prentiful and cheap for 43 more years - probably longer, because more discoveries in recent years.
Unfortunately, this appraisal makes three critical errors which are:
So What's the True Numbers?
It's not easy to say the exact figures. The authors have spent time studying on a number of figures and statistics which I don't need to mention. But I would cut some statements which are interesting.
The predictions
With the total undiscovered oil is about 150 Gbo, plus 850 Gbo of the known reserves and the increasing demand rate, you should be able to make out how much oil is left for us.....The world is not running out of oil anytime soon. But we are facing is the end of the abundant and cheap oil.
Artid Jivacate. June 4, 1998.
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