Every Friday night, Parisien skaters are getting together in Place d'Italie. Around 22:00, the crowd starts skating on the boulevard while roller-police, policemen on inline skates, are blocking the cars. The route changes everyweek but it is always around 20 kilometers or more. We usually pass Louvre, La Tour Eiffel and so on. Along the way, tourists are surprised and amazed to see such the number of rollerbladers on the street. Three to four hours later, the crowd returns back to the start point as the finish line.
The following photos are taken from the archive of www.pari-roller.com without obtaining any approvals.

Thousands of skaters are storming the roads. The record number was some twenty-three-thousand people.

The police escort is arranged to accomodate the crowd. Please notice that they are roller-police, on the rollerblades. Isn't it COOL?

The road is ours.

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Last updated October 1999.

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